Terms and Conditions
- Peace of Mind Babysitting (POM) requires a credit card to confirm all reservations.
- Upon booking, the client's credit card will be charged a nonrefundable agency fee of $35.00 per shift.
- Please be prepared to pay sitter in cash at the end of each shift.
- POM has a 4 hour minimum. Even if you return early you will be charged (at least) 4 full hours.
- POM reserves the right to charge client's credit card any remaining funds due to agency and/or sitter after the completion of entire job.
- Additionally POM maintains a 24 hour cancellation policy. If a scheduled job is canceled in less than 24 hours, client will be charged the entire amount of the scheduled reservation to appropriately compensate POM & sitter.
- POM recommends 1 sitter per 4 children & 1 sitter per infant. An infant is 12 months old and under.
- All scheduling must be done through an administrator of Peace of Mind Babysitting. Private outsourcing of a POM sitter is strictly prohibited!
- By signing the confirmation client is legally agreeing not to privately hire sitter.
- Please inform sitter of any allergies or special needs.
- Sitter may not transport child under ANY circumstances in their own vehicle. Parent drop off, public transportation or hotel shuttle only! * Without signed Transportation Release
- Sitter may not engage in any activity I.E. park, swimming, indoor rock climbing, sledding, ice skating, skiing, hiking, biking, ETC. Unless Medical Release/Liability form has been completed in full by Parent/ Legal Guardian.
- Additionally, sitter may not administer medication to child(ren) without specific parental instruction, written and signed, within the Medical Release/Liability form.